
Enjoy a massage on your body that will bring you back to life relieved and happy! A 45-minute massage by a professional masseur. You can choose between a decontracturant or a relaxing massage.

In the decontracturant massage the masseur will work on relaxing the muscles and dissolve contractures due to stress, poor posture or lack of rest.

In the relaxing massage, the masseur will work on relaxing your muscles, not treating ailments, although indirectly cause improvement in mild muscle problems.

This service has an additional cost.

Some of the benefits of the massages include:

  • Activation of blood circulation and lymph eliminating toxins and improving its oxygenation
  • Relief of migraines and headaches, whether they are caused by cervical tensions or by excess of toxins in the body
  • Keeps the elasticity of the skin eliminating dead cells and nourishing it, due to the quality of the vegetable oils that are used
  • Elimination of contractures and tensions
  • Helps keeping the flexibility of our body and are also effective in relieving headaches and muscle aches
  • And, of course, they are ideal to free us from stress


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